I lied. Just a white lie, though. I promised when I wrote my Christmas Faffing Friday that I’d be back to you in between. Or Twixmas as it now seems to be called for past few years.
Why did I say I would be back?
What is there even to say/share from the chocolate/food/booze induced state of fug that we all manage to get ourselves into?
I well and truly feel like I’ve stuffed enough calories down my neck to be able to hibernate until at least February. After I promised yet again that I wouldn’t overload myself. Yeah, that old chestnut.
Oh BTW - Did you manage to try a Snowball at all from my recipe I shared last time?
My cocktail making skills were in demand once everyone got their first taste of my Snowballs 🍒
SCROLLING 🔍 There hasn’t been a lot of it. I pretty much reduced my screen time right down as far as mooching around on the internet. Felt good.
READING 📚 I finished my first book of the year on New Year’s Day which I’ve decided I might write some thoughts about in another post.
Wintering - the power of rest and retreat in difficult times by Katherine May.
I’ve joined the Goodreads 2025 Reading Challenge. I’m challenging myself to read 36 books this year. I read two in 2024. Pitiful. I used to be such a book worm so I’m going to try and re-train my brain.
You can follow me on GR if books are your thing.
I’ve spent most of my holiday downtime like I said eating and drinking but also socialising with friends and family. It’s been lush and very relaxed. I’ve loved every minute of it.
STREAMING 🍿 Here’s some of my favourite movies and shows I’ve watched over the holiday:
Disclaimer on Apple TV - a forbidden Italian summer. A deadly secret. A grieving father's revenge.
After the Party on Channel 4 in UK and ABC in US - a wife accuses her husband of child sexual abuse.
I love Hugh Grant as much as I love a horror movie. Perfect combo so was always going to rate but bit of a naff ending.
Been to the cinema, too. Finally got to see Wicked and loved it as much as I thought I would. Enjoyed Gladiator II despite mixed reviews. Cried over We Live In Time.
But also laughed A LOT - not when watching the movie but this → a deranged-looking carousel horse from a film promo shot is the internet’s new favourite meme.
Graham Norton shared it too when he interviewed Andrew Garfield on his show before Christmas. Funny 🤣🤣
I feel as if I sound boring this edition but if I do I’m ok. I’ve been hibernating.
I’m almost ready to take on 2025 .. not quite .. but can feel it building. I’m not rushing. Back to my desk on Monday.
My Faffing Friday ‘Stacks are basically a curation of my week - what I’ve been doing, reading, watching, scrolling, eating, buying.
All archives here.
I know I always ask you this but please do me the biggest favour by liking, sharing with a friend, sharing in a Note on here, restacking .. anything and everything helps 💗
Lots of love as always,