"The Trouble Is You Think You Have Time"
Time is free but it's also priceless .. let that sink in
I love this quote 🫶🏻
“The trouble is you think you have time”
Attributed to that famous Buddha fella, apparently.
I first saw and shared it on Facebook some years ago and now it pops up around the beginning of January in my memories every year. In fact it pops up a lot all year because I’ve re-shared it so many times at different times throughout the years. I re-shared it again in my Instagram Stories recently and so I thought I’d bring it in here for us all to think about.
It all started with how I felt the years since my 50th milestone birthday seem to have whizzed by warp speed-like.
I’ll be 61 next month. That’s what I mean about warp speed. I don’t know how those eleven years passed by so quickly.
It’s for that reason that I think this quote has rented space in my head.
I’m constantly mapping out what the next 10-15 years could look like for me if I’m lucky enough to be still around.
Don’t ask me why. Well do, because I can answer.
I want to make the most of my time.
I read somewhere that you should do as many of the things you really want to in what is classed as the ‘ Third Quarter’ of your life because it’s in that era that you will still be able physically to do everything.
Like more travel. More adventures. Cram it all in before I might really be too old.
I know there are always exceptions to all rules but apparently this is the general rule of thumb.
I’m also BIG on re-invention.
I never think about my age when I decide to change things up.
Do you?
I’ve joked a lot that I’ve re-invented myself more times than Madonna! Maybe it’s been the way my ADHD brain has worked all these years and now I know.
I have always been able to embrace change.
I call it my superpower.
I have to be able to want it, though. I can’t just turn it on.
Contrary or what?
Image credit: Tumblr
I know so many women find themselves invisible in midlife and beyond. That they can’t embrace change or think what a newer version of themselves might look like.
The version that will set them in good stead for their ‘Third Quarter’.
My writing has always come from a place of championing the stale, outdated message of settling for invisibility.
I mean, you can if you want to. If you’re happy to be invisible then absolutely make that your thing. Go for it.
But I’m here to mess up that long held patriarchal status quo.
I choose visibility.
Another quote I love is …
‘If Not Now, When?”
It’s awful being a procrastinator because these two favourite quotes of mine I’m sharing with you are forever a collision crash in my head. Maybe I need to find someone who will keep me accountable while I make my plans for my best decade yet!! Any offers?
What I am committing to though is more of this .. writing and building a community. Oh and that community has to be somewhere that isn’t Instagram.
That’s my non negotiable. It’s a terrible place for a procrastinator like me.
Tell me in the comments how you feel about social media these days.
I’d love to know if more of you feel like me and also a bit bored with it.
Here’s the original quote and image that I saved on Facebook all those years ago.
Ciao for now, Sharon xo