I didn't know it had a name and is different from hair elsewhere on the body. You live and learn.

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Every day’s a school day isn’t it? Thanks for reading, Patricia 🙂

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Another fan of dermaplaning! I have an appointment for one on Saturday and can’t wait for that lovely smooth feeling and my makeup actually sitting on my face. I sometimes do it myself with the same tool you use which is great but I do love the treatment with a lovely facial. I am worth it! 💆🏼‍♀️

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I dermaplane too Sharon! The reason I started doing it was because I had to get a magnifying mirror to do my makeup (my eyesight has really deteriorated in the last couple of years…) – it meant I could see EVERYTHING, and that included all the peach fuzz on my face. I use the same razors you’ve shown here, and I have to admit it does mean makeup goes on a lot better and smoother. I think it’s great that things like this are being normalised, as well as the opposite end of the spectrum of letting hair GROW wherever we like.

In other words – choice for the win!! 🙌🏻

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Oh the magnifying mirror!! What would we do without it? I get my brows threaded at a salon but in between appts sometimes I use that sort of mirror for the rogue ones. The ones that these days seem to appear out of nowhere and shoot skywards and nothing will lay them flat 🤣

Normalising the choice, Catherine ... yes to that!!

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Hi Sharon

I love dermaplaning! I don't do it often but when I do my skin looks and feels super soft and I've never had a problem with blokey looking beard regrowth either. Yay for the Tinkle! :-)

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Its a great feeling isn't it when it's done? I can see why blokes love the feeling when they've shaved. I haven't quite got round to splashing the cologne on afterwards .. yet 😆

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