Jun 21Liked by Sharon Sinclair-Williams

I enjoy your content more and more Sharon. Thank you. I click through quite a bit which is always a good sign. You are telling me things I don't know... Not to suggest I thought I knew everything... More that I am finding your content useful. 💕🤠

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This is so kind of you to tell me and really urges me to press on. Every week when I write this I think is anyone going to be interested in my faffing and then people like you write such lovely comments. I'll keep writing .. thankyou, Samantha 💗

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Thank you so much Sharon for referencing my Falling out of love with Instagram post in this weeks post 😊

It definitely seems like I’m not alone!

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You're very welcome, Sonya. It's got very dull over there IMO and I think it's losing it's sparkle for sure.

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Completely, my first week of not posting and it’s been lovely, I feel like such a weight has been lifted, and the time I’d normally spend on creating content I’m now spending on my posts for Substack, so much more enjoyable 🤎

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I've not posted since the weekend and not been on all week because of being aware at the sustainability festival for work and I really don't miss it. Apart from seeing the friends I've made there and finding out what they are up to but tbh I think many of them are posting less too.

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